It doesn’t take a shear genius to see why short hair is trendy for summer; besides being lighter and cooler, it’s also great for fuss-free styling.
True Blood’s Evan Rachael Wood is the latest celebrity to chop her locks—but is her hairstyle right for you? Here, Hollywood hair gurus Ted Gibson (Brooklyn Decker, Anne Hathaway) and Adam Campbell (Kate Hudson, Scarlett Johansson) take the guesswork out of going short and reveal surefire ways to make the cut.
To offset Brooklyn Decker’s strong jaw line, Gibson gave her a soft, textured bob. “I also created graduated layers and made the cut a little longer in the front,” he adds. “You want hair in the front to be below the jaw so that it doesn’t draw the eye to that area of the face.”
Heart-Shaped “If you have a sharper chin, I wouldn’t take the hair too short,” says Gibson. “I don’t think you should go any shorter than the chin,” agrees Campbell. “You might also follow Reese Witherspoon’s lead and add soft bangs—she looks great with them.”
Face Type: Round
Face Type: Long Neck
Face Type: Oval
Face Type: Any
Personality Type: Bold
According to Gibson, sleek, angular short cuts are best for a round face (think an asymmetrical bob or a pixie with side-swept bangs). “A rounder face tends to have less shape to it—while straight hair will lengthen, angles in the haircut will add shape and symmetry,” he says.
Don’t confuse straightness with flatness, though; hair should still have volume. Michelle Williams’ pixie is flattering because “the fullness is kept at her crown and above her ears,” says Campbell.Want to flaunt your long, gorgeous neck? Go with a pixie. For balance, however, Gibson says to try a lengthier bob like Anne Hathaway’s (“bobs that are cut above the chin can look weird with a long neck”). He also styled Hathaway's strands straight and blunt: “Annie has big, beautiful eyes and a softer complexion—I gave her haircut angles to bring strength to her face.”
You might be blessed with an oval face, but that doesn’t mean you have to go supershort just because you can. “Shorter pixies require a cut every four to six weeks,” says Campbell. “If you don’t have the time or money, I’d go longer like Sienna Miller did—a style like hers doesn’t require as many salon visits to maintain and you can get away with one to two bang trims in between full-on cuts.”
Personality Type: Bold
Those who want to attain this Cleopatra-inspired look using their own hair—regardless of whether they have the optimal oval face shape—should be aware of the styling it requires. “It’s a fun, edgy hairdo but it requires plenty of bang trims and flatironing,” says Campbell. “To minimize damage and maximize sleekness, be sure to use a thermal protectant.”
Actress Krysten Ritter pulls off the blunt cut with panache.
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